Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Body language

As a board artist, you want to be able to communicate what the character is feeling. A lot of times it's the opposite of what he is saying. you can use body language to show this. For example watch the way people point their feet. If you walk up to two people and they point their feet towards you, they want you to join their group. If not, they want you to leave. A person will usually point their foot off in the direction they want to go in as well. Watch people talking. If one person is late for a meeting, he will point his foot off in that direction. Here is a good book on the subject: "What Every Body is saying." by Joe Navarro


  1. Wow! interesting tidbit! I love your how-to's, they're very educational

  2. Awesome !! I never thought of this feet thing. But now that you point it out, it seems very true.
    Thanks for the post and for the link to the book, I'll check it out !

  3. so if a girl has both feet pointing towards me "im in"? :O

  4. Awesome insight. I heard there's another great book called "Manwatching" about body language. Haven't checked it out but I was wondering if anybody else reading this has.

  5. Amazing post. I am so thankful you share these insights. Very helpful. Thanks :)

  6. شركة مكافحة حشرات بمكة
    شركة صقر البشاير هى شركة مكافحة حشرات بمكة لدينا العمالة المدربة التى تقضى على الحشرات بمكة انواعها كالصراصير بمكة والعته بمكة وبق الفراش بمكة والقوارض بمكة والنمل الابيض بمكة ونحن خبراء فى استخدام اجود المبيدات المستوردة وجميع خدماتنا نقدمها بأرخص الاسعار لكى تكون جميع خدماتنا فى متناول الجميع .
    مكافحة النمل الابيض بمكة

  7. مكافحة حشرات مكة
    شركة المنزل هى شركة مكافحة حشرات بمكة لدينا العمالة المدربة التى تقوم بالقضاء على الحشرات بمكة بأجود انواع المبيدات المستوردة التى تقضى على الصراصير بمكة والعته وبق الفراش والنمل الابيض بمكة والفئران بمكة والقوارض بمكة كما ان مبيداتنا التى نقوم بأستخدامها ليست لها روائح كريهة ولا تضر بالبيئة او بصحة الانسان وخدماتنا نقدمها بأرخص الاسعار .
    مكافحة النمل الابيض بمكة
