Monday, November 22, 2010

What you see vs what you know

I've been posting a lot of quick sketches and gesture drawings. I've been going out on Saturdays if anyone is in the LA area and wants to join, hit me up on facebook. I usually post where we go. anyways, there is a difference between copying what you see, like in a long pose, and modifying a memorized version of things in a quicksketch. the best way to explain it would be in facial features. I have a set of memorized eyes, noses, ears, etc. I don't copy the person in front of me, but say they have a large or small nose, I draw my memorized nose small or big. I also try to push any ideas I might see further. The reason I do this is, sometimes the person is riding by on a bike, or moving and you want to catch a quick pose, so it's good to not be looking at them for the stuff, but just the pose. Then you can glance once, get the gesture and then just sit and draw your drawing


  1. I absolutely love your quick sketches. They inspire me to do my own.

    Thank you for all your wonderful advice!

  2. So true--and way to plus your reference photo.

  3. wow sweet job pushing that pose. i love how you plus the design too. great great great.

  4. great post and so true that in sketching, posing, animation, etc.. we should always go with our 'memorized sets' instead of copying... sometimes it's hard to get out of that 'reality' box.. but blogs like yours inspires us for it and more

  5. Agreed with Rochelle too. Now I want to draw some animated versions of actor I admire...

  6. I really dig how you explain how to draw...

  7. what do the above commenters mean by "plus" the design?

  8. Mokou: For instance, his head was to the side. So, I pushed the vertical lines of his posture and the hammer and pushed his head even more sideways so they would be in contrast. I just mean to look for some visual idea and expand on it. That part of design is more fun and like playing and doesn't have so many rules. It's more about trying to be creative with what you see.

  9. thanks rad for always illuminating on the process of making a drawing, this is a great contribution.

  10. I wish I were in L.A. so I could join you

  11. I really wish someone would have walked up to me and told me this in school.

  12. Great advice, thanks Rad !

    But can't those "memorized version of things" lead to an "easy way" to draw ? I mean, if we sketch people's faces with the same features again and again, we're not improving our drawing skills, are we ? What are your thoughts about this ?

  13. Quentin, that's what "long pose" is for. I think people should study everything. But, if you only do long pose, then you get stiff poses.

  14. تجدنا في منطقة الجنوب في كل المحافظات نقدم خدمة نقل عفش مع الفك والتركيب بواسطة عمالة متميزة وفنيين خبرة وسيارات مؤمنة
    - شركه نقل عفش بابها
    - شركه نقل عفش بخميس مشيط
    وتلك الشركات تعتمد على الخبرة والكفاءة في تنفيذ أعمال نقل العفش في الباحة ومحايل عسير وتعتمد على افضل النجارين المتخصصين
    - شركه نقل عفش بالباحة
    - شركه نقل عفش بمحايل عسير
    وفي جازان ونجران وشرورة نعتمد على افضل سيارات نقل الاثاث المجهزة والمقفلة للمحافظة على الاثاث من التلف والغبار
    - شركه نقل عفش بجازان
    - شركه نقل عفش بنجران
    - نقل عفش بشروره
