Monday, August 1, 2011

Story class lecture

Here are some really general story notes from my storyboarding class (Note, this is the structure for most animated films, characters like James Bond don't have a need, just a want. Ususally the kill the bad guy):


  1. This is great, Rad, thanks - very timely for me, it's helping me with something I'm working on right now!

  2. "At least I have explosions to look at..." HA! So true. I do quite like the dangling carrot metaphor.

  3. great notes. thanks for sharing. ;)

  4. Good lord, I would love to have been there. Stories... who can figure them out!?

  5. Wow, very helpful! I like the carrot on the stick metaphor.

  6. نحن نعلم صعوبة مهمة التنظيف و الوقت الذي تستغرقه ربة المنزل من أجل المحافظة على منزلها و لكن مع شركة تنظيف فلل بالدمام لا داعي للقلق لأن جميع خدمات التنظيف أصبحت بسيطة الآن من خلال فريق عمل الشركة
