Sunday, October 17, 2010

More class notes

Here are some more notes from class


  1. those photos are hilarious...where do you find such photos?

  2. das verhalten des fettes in verschiedenen posen ist ist immer interessant. es lebe die gravitation :D

    (->the changing properties of the fat in different poses is always interesting. long live the gravity :D)

  3. This website is a goldmine. It's really great of you to spend time to share your knowledge. It is very clear and useful for anyone who draw, professionals like amateurs. As far as i'm concerned, i'm more interested by the technical posts about storyboarding, since it is more difficult to find informations on that subject than on the anatomy part, although i really like the way you connect classical anatomy lessons with animation drawings. Thank you very much !

  4. Louis: thanks! I do this just for fun, and I find storyboarding to be more "work" than fun.
