Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How I study

So, I said I would post some of my "how I learn" studies. Here are 5 hand studies from "Alice in Wonderland" along with some notes. I'm just posting 5 of these, but I do hundreds just like them every day from comics, "how to draw" books, movies, from life, magazines, etc. In the old days of animation you would have a mentor you could take your drawings to and ask him how to fix it. You probably wouldn't even need to study in this way. But, if you don't have someone to show you how to do it, this is a nice alternative. I find it's a good way to improve really really fast and it becomes addictive when you start seeing how much better you get.


  1. Are you largely self taught Rad? I often worry about not having someone to teach me how to draw well, but this gives me hope that it's not impossible to get really good on my own.

  2. I never went to an official school, but I've taken lots of classes over the last few years. I try to take 1-3 night and weekend classes each term. I've found that 1 week in a class is equivalent to about a year of studying on my own. Some things you will never learn on your own. I've had teachers point things out in a drawings that I never would have caught. Mistakes I would have continued to make for the rest of my life. I know some people who are amazing without ever having a lesson, but I'm really baffled how they did it. I personally need teachers. You have to be careful with the teacher though. If you go to a random city college or most universities, you might not learn anything. You need really really good teachers. If you are in LA, I would recommend the teachers I have liked here. Otherwise, I would recommend schoolism the online school:

  3. great stuff rad. i eat this stuff up! I'm a 3d animator with a background in classical animation. how does somebody break into storyboards? what would you suggest to put in a portfolio? I love to draw and would be cool to be able to do board work. here is a link to my portfolio. Thanks

  4. I spent pretty much most of my vacation parusing your blog and cant thank you enough for sharing this. Im self taught and find myself overwhelmed most times with how technical alot of instruction is and you have done an excellent job of being clear ( Im pretty thick too ) and genuine. you sir are my hero :) Keep on keepin on!

  5. Reggie: Great stuff, if you are in LA, I would recommend taking Jay Oliva at concept design academy. You can also take my class, but Jay knows more people and is a director. He'll know more about who is hiring. As for a portfolio, you have to gear it to the job. At dreamworks, you just put in feature style boards,(no arrows, etc). Each studio will be looking for different things.

    GhettoFab: Thanks, I'm glad you like the site. Great blogs by the way.

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