Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tool kit

So, how do you start. You can use anything in your toolkit. Different artist lean on different tools more heavily. Just see what you like. I like to start with shape rhythm or gesture depending on the pose.


  1. I just found this blog yesterday and I've read everything on it as I think it's great. Thanks for sharing so much information!

    I was wondering if you would try doing a run through of drawing a pose that you find particularly challenging. Many times I come across a figure where I can't work out a line of action or gesture and wondered how you approach such a situation. Do you try to be analytical or try to really listen to your gut instinct?

    Thanks :)

  2. I notice there seem to be a few approaches that work well for difficult poses. The hardest pose is the standing pose because it starts to look like it will fall over. Seated poses are much easier. Complicated foreshortened poses are actually the easiest if you know how to handle them. This is because we rarely see people in these poses and your eye can't judge as easily if it's wrong. There is more room for error. I'll do some examples later.

  3. I thought a little more about your question, and I think the biggest problem for people is that they don't have "shape" as one of their options. They don't know how to measure accurately. I don't ever go with my gut if something looks hard. I always slow down and look at the shape of it. Then I can find the form under the surface. I'll do a post of this and explain it more.

  4. sorry for asking more questions ><

    i have a hard time drawing one character in multiple poses and from multiple angles, i think i start out with the shape method that you talked about. would you recommend using the structure method to get better at turnarounds and such?

  5. Hey Tyson, I was actually hoping that more people would ask questions, so thanks. Can you give me a specific character design. You have to learn a different method for different styles.

  6. sure thing! here's a character i did, and i honestly wouldn't even know where to start to draw him in different poses:


  7. Hey Tyson, I emailed you some break downs of that character.

  8. thanks again rad! Anyone who's interested, I put rad's breakdowns on my blog



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